Oral recordings

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Oral history recording training was organised by Berwick Records Office in January 2020. Money to pay for the two sessions was raised by members of the Cornhill Social History Group at a 'Now and Then' event held in October 2019. Four people were trained In January.
Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic prevented more progress. Recordings resumed in June 2022 and a new member of the group is being trained.

The following people have been interviewed and their recordings stored in the Berwick Records Office:

Len Beveridge
Nancy Clark (two recordings, one personal, one about the WI)
Dick Palmer
Mary Black
Jean Marshall
George Forrest
Marie Gillespie
Joan Manuel
George Nevins
David Heslop
Jim Manuel
Teresa Culbertson
Eric Grounds
Jean Graham
Pat Dunn
Geordie Dunn
Pat Collinson
Carol Ashton
Trevor Swan
Lynda Waite

Please contact us if you would like your memories of the area and its people recorded for posterity. Our way of life is changing so fast that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will find it hard to imagine what life was like for us.