Tillmouth Football Club
1936-37 Flodden Cup Medal
This medal was won by William Renton, while playing for Tillmouth Football Club
Tillmouth FC late 1930s
Back two rows, left to right - J. Moffat, E. Waite, T. Swan, ? Watson, ? , D. Trotter, J. Miller, J. Patterson, N. McCaskie, A. Black
Front row, left to right - J. Green, A. Gray, H. Swan, C. Swan, E. Beveridge
Tillmouth FC - 1940s
Back row, left to right - ? , A. Black, J. Green, R. Moore, R. Mitchell, R. Whitelaw, D. Trotter, A. White
Front row, left to right - C. Swan, H. Swan, J. Rae, T. Waite, A. Marchbanks
Tillmouth FC won Flodden Cup in 1947
Tillmouth FC 1950s
Back row, left to right - J. Morris, D. Miller, R. Foreman, G. Nevins, J. Miller, Roy Waters
Front row, left to right - R. Morris, R. Martin, A. Mitchell, G. Tait, A. Martin
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Wark Castle Football Club
Wark FC, 1960/61
Back left to right - R. Mitchell, A. Martin, G. Rae, T. Hogg, W. Rae, I. Liddell
Front left to right - G. Dunn, R. Luke, J. Bisset, G. Tait, G. Anderson
Wark FC, North Northumberland League, Runciman Cup winners 1962
Back row, left to right - A. Martin, M. Middlemiss, G. Nevis, G. Swan, W. Rae, G. Tait,
Front row, left to right - J. Hughes, J. Reid, R. Luke, C. Woodcock, A. Mitchell.
Wark FC team annual dinner at Norham 1963
Back row, left to right - A. Mitchell, J. Moffat, R. Luke, G. Swan, C. Woodcock, A. Martin, G. Anderson, J. Reid, ? R. Mitchell, W. Rae.
Front row, left to right - R. Jeffrey, G. Moffat, M. Middlemiss, C. Ledgerwood, G. Tait, I. Culbertson.
Wark Reserves 1965 - 1966
Back row, left to right - Bill Chisholm, Chris Lambert, Ian Liddell,
Ian Turnbull, Ian Culbertson, Phil Tait,
Front row, left to right - Willie Reavley, ? Hope, Jim Sim, Alan Hall,
Peter Taylor
Wark FC North Northumberland League 1 Winners 1967/68
Back row, left to right - J. Jamieson, R. Johnston, J. Mole, B. Gray, I. Turnbull, R. Sim, G. Kerr,
J. Hughes, G. Jeffrey, G. Tait (Manager).
Front row, left to right - J. Stewart, A. Jeffrey, R. Robson, Joe Jeffrey, A. Tait, John Jeffrey, J. Sim.
John Jeffrey receiving North Northumberland League 1 Cup 1967/68
John Jeffrey holding the North Northumberland League 1Cup 1967/68
Left to right - Jim Sim, Ian Turnbull, John Stewart, Bob Sim, John Mole, Jimmy Hughes
Wark FC reserve team 1967/68
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Wooler Football Club
Wooler football team 1958
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Carpet bowls
Cornhill Carpet Bowling Club - date?
Back row, left to right - Harry Gallon, Ronnie Hill, ? Duckdale, Johnny Heatley, Leslie Gillie, Alistair Reid, Neil ? , Ian Edmonson, Drew Guthrie (One person missing - can you help?))
Front row, left to right - Isobel Robison, Jenny Halliday, Bob Scott, Edna Jeffrey, Cathleen Guthrie, Melvin Evans
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